Before entering or leaving the class a traditional sign of respect must be shown to ones Sifu (right hand fist, left hand open). Do NOT bow.
Always respect and obey ones Sifu (Teacher).
Help keep your place of training clean and tidy.
Refrain from using profanities. Do not use loud or loose talk.
Never criticise students of other arts, styles or schools.
Your training and expertise in Wing Chun is only to be used in SELF-DEFENSE.
No techniques are to be shown or discussed with non-members of the ‘Association’.
Tuition fee are due on the FIRST lesson of every month. If you have trouble and cannot pay the fees on time please discuss with your Sifu.
Your annual membership and licence must be kept up to date. Please renew on or before expiry.
You must wear full uniform during all classes, seminars and gradings.
You must bring your membership/record book to all events.
Do not smoke, chew gum or wear jewellery in class.
When leaving the kwoon please be respectful of others by leaving quietly.
Be a positive role model and lead by example (especially to the younger members of the club).
Maintain your self respect and that of the Rayleigh Wing Chun School by conducting yourself with honour to everyone inside and outside of the the school.
The Sifu is present to teach and answer questions. However, do not bother them with trivia. If you have doubts ask an assistant instructor or senior student first.
It has been a minute since we last posted anything. If you find that, despite trying very hard not to, you actually enjoy the clip, please put aside your partisan feelings for the briefest of moments, and click the LIKE BUTTON. Whilst we create the long form video for our zoom subscribers, we still have work to do to create these short extracts.Creating this content is time consuming and as we are human a little feedback may inspire us to keep going!!!On a hapier note... we are still going strong with our zoom viewers joining us from Australia, Canada and Mexico. In this short extract James Sinclair discusses the basic punch and Paak Sau, commonly known as Paak Da.One of the most basic techniques.... there are just so many ways to use this technique.#wingchun #ukwckfa #leicester #Bedford #stneots #rayleigh #kungfu #martialarts ... See MoreSee Less
Happy Lunar New Year. Wishing you all health and prosperity. May you enjoy success in all the positive things you take on in the Year of the Snake.#ukwckfa ... See MoreSee Less
After years in hermit like seclusion!!!! James Sinclair is going to be teaching some live seminars at the National Hq of the UKWCKFA in Rayleigh Essex. First time since 2019 Limiitng the number of attendees will ensure you get the most from the events and gain the most from a teacher with over 50 years involved in the Art of Wing Chun Kuen.There will be one "MasterClass' held each month from Feb to July. Subjects range from the empty hand forms, the wooden Dummy to Chi Sau and Sparring.For info contact us at ... See MoreSee Less